Quick Update!

Monday, June 11, 2012
Hello there, fellow bloggers and readers! :D How y'all doin'?? It's holiday, everyone!

I know, I know, it's been a while since I last posted here. But no worries! :D I didn't mean to tell you all about this yet... but then again, think I owe you this much to at least tell you why I've been missing! :p Well, okay, first of all... still, the classic reason - I've been busy like hell the last couples of months. But now that it is holiday, and yet I'm still missing... why, it's because I'm preparing something special for Marsha-Go-Round! :D I hope by the end of this month, I can start things up and regain my activism in the blog world :p

So, until then, happy holiday, people!

image source: Oh So Lovely Vintage
This is the spot that I'll (hopefully) be visiting in September.
Guessed where?? :p Complete stories, later!


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