Been Missing... to USA!

Friday, August 9, 2013
Hello again, people!

Wow, was that really the date when I last wrote in here? Too long ago! I’m so sorry for that. Last semester was out-of-your-mind crazy and I just got back from… yep, the United States of America!

I still almost can’t believe it myself. I have always dreamt to go to the Land of Dream but supposed I wouldn’t be able to go there anytime soon. At least, not until I get a scholarship for Master Degree or after I have worked and can afford the cost myself. But… the universe begged to differ.

Early in this year, a lecturer of mine emailed me and a number of other students. She told us that we were the selected few that had the chance to run for an opportunity to get a full-scholarship for a summer programme in the States. Study of US Institute (SUSI), to be exact. It is an intensive five-week course fully funded by the US Department of State. The programme consists of a number of focus areas, such as Religious Pluralism, Global Environment and New Media in Journalism. The one I applied for was the New Media in Journalism.

I didn’t dare to have too high a hope. I knew how competitive it would be. The embassy would only pick about 6-9 students from ALL OVER INDONESIA. And I just knew that the selection process did not stop at the US Embassy for Indonesia in Jakarta. It went across the ocean: to the home base – the officials of US Department of State in charge of the programme.

But then, one day in March, as I was just finishing up my mid-term exam, I got a text message from US Embassy for Indonesia in Jakarta asking me if they could call me right then. I was still clueless; I thought it would be about the US Embassy library membership that I signed up for a couple of weeks before.


In that phenomenal call, they casually told me that I had been chosen as a grantee for the SUSI New Media in Journalism 2013 in Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana.

(insert frantic screaming here)

So, yeah! Thanks be to God, I was among the selected Indonesian participants that went to the US with Malaysian delegation last June-July.

On that note, I will take my leave for now. But, I’ll be back! Yep, you got that right. With more stories of my journey living the American dream.

I hope you had a great summer!


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